近日,湖北省宣布举办“与爱同行 惠游湖北”活动,期间全省所有A级景区对全国人民免费开放。此次活动从今年8月8日持续到12月31日,包括“十一”黄金周。
游客在欢乐谷游玩/ 楚天都市报
Tourists were seen visiting the Yellow Crane Tower, an iconic tourist site in Wuhan City, central China's Hubei Province, for free on August 8. Local authorities announced that nearly 400 A-level scenic spots in the province would open to domestic visitors for free starting from August 8 till the end of the year. The tourist attractions will cap the number of visitors at 50 percent of their maximum daily capacity, and visitors from low-risk areas can enjoy free entry by making reservations online.
此次“与爱同行 惠游湖北”活动期间,全省各景区按照“限量、预约、错峰”开放要求,每日按照核定的日最大承载量的50%进行预约。
黄鹤楼始建于三国时代,当时它是瞭望守戍的“军事楼”,晋灭东吴以后,三国归于一统,该楼在失去其军事价值的同时,随着江夏城地发展,逐步演变成为官商行旅“游必于是”、“宴必于是”的观赏楼。The history of the Yellow Crane Tower, or Huanghe Lou in Chinese, dates back to the Three Kingdoms period (220-280) in Chinese history. Initially built in 223 AD, the tower served military purposes as a watchtower at the beginning.湖北省博物馆是全国八家中央-地方共建的国家级博物馆之一,其中国家一级文物近千余件(套),有中国规模最大的古乐器陈列馆,馆内有世界上最庞大的青铜乐器曾侯乙编钟。另外,中国冷兵器时代的翘楚之作越王勾践剑也在这里!Constructed in 1953, Hubei Provincial Museum is a primary institution of cultural relics collection, exhibition and promotion as well as an important research center of archaeological exploration, discovery and relic protection in the province. It is a state-level museum and one of the eight key museums sponsored jointly by the central and local governments. 在神农架南部的自然保护区内,山峰均在海拔3000米以上,堪称“华中屋脊”。神农架立体小气候明显,“东边日出西边雨”的现象常有发生。其气候时空变化较大,有“六月雪,十月霜,一日有四季”之说。 In central China's Hubei Province, lies a miraculous fairyland called Shennongjia. It is home to breathtaking landscapes and countless wildlife species. Listed by the UNESCO as one of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves, its complex ecosystem is a cradle of vigorous and abundant life. 恩施大峡谷全长108公里,面积达300平方公里。峡谷中的百里绝壁、千丈瀑布、傲啸独峰、原始森林、远古村寨等景点美不胜收。峡谷内还有近10公里长的地缝,幽深奇绝,世所罕见奇山、异水、怪洞、珍禽数不胜数。被专家誉为与美国科罗拉多大峡谷难分伯仲。The Enshi Grand Canyon in central China's Hubei Province rivals the Grand Canyon carved by the Colorado River in Arizona, United States in beauty. The canyon runs 108 kilometers and occupies a land area of 3,000 square kilometers.The region where the Enshi Grand Canyon is located used to be a vast sea with many limestone deposits 230 million years ago. 武当山是联合国公布的世界文化遗产地之一,也是道教名山和武当武术的发源地,被称为“亘古无双胜境,天下第一仙山”。元末明初,道士张三丰集其大成,开创武当派,并影响至今。Located in central China's Hubei Province, Wudang Mountain sits the apex of the four sacred mountains of Taoism. Wudang is also home to one of the ancient martial art schools in China. It has been mentioned many times in swordsman fiction.三峡人家风景区位于长江三峡中最为奇幻壮丽的西陵峡境内。古往今来,历代文人骚客写下了许多优美的诗文,或写三峡人家,或写橹声帆影,或写蛤蟆甘泉,或写青山飞瀑,或写秀峰奇石。三峡人家融合三峡文化之精髓,巴风楚韵,峡江今昔,一览无余。The Three-Gorge Tribe scenic spot, located in the area of the charming Xiling Gorge in the city of Yichang, has the beauty of landscape paintings. The area is a "Protected Center of the Popular Culture and Art of the Three Gorges." Since ancient times, a lot of famous scholars and celebrities have composed a great number of excellent poems praising the beauty of this place. 恩施土司城,是全国规模最大、工程最宏伟、风格最独特、景观最靓丽的土家族地区土司文化标志性工程。土家族地区的土司制度,起于元代止于清朝雍正13年的“改土归流”,历经元明清三朝,前后450余年。Enshi is surrounded by mountains, and the Enshi Tusi site is located in the northwestern section of the city. It is characterized by the ancient Tusi Manor estate, which covers an area of 200,000 square meters. The Tangya River passes in front, and Xuanwu Mountain towers behind. This Tusi site was an important strategic site which featured many unique landscapes.关注“湖北文旅之声”、“湖北日报”、“湖北发布”、“长江云”官方微信公众号,点击下方菜单的“惠游湖北”进入活动主页。然后就可以在地图上选择自己感兴趣的地区,查看相应的景点并在线填写预约信息了。温馨提示:新冠疫情并没有完全结束,去景点参观的时候,要遵守相关的疫情防控规则,保护好自己及他人的健康哦!
(with input from the official website of Hubei Government and VCG photos )